The Story of My Life, with Several Reminiscences by the Rev. John Murray, D.D.

Eric Wilson and Bill Collett (of Scotsburn and Bettendorff, Iowa respectively) are third cousins and descendants of Alexander Murray, the patriarch of an extensive network of families in West Pictou and North Colchester.  They are also descendants of  William Murray “Catechist” of Dornoch, Sutherland which is another network scattered across the same area.   Both are fifth cousins of my son, a sobering thought.

Together these gentlemen have compiled a book about their great grand uncle, Rev. John Murray  DD.  Those interested in local history, church history and genealogy will be quite familiar with Rev. Murray’s two published works:  “History of the Presbyterian Church in Cape Breton” (1921) and “The Scotsburn Congregation of Pictou County” (1925).   Rev.  Murray  grew up near Bethel Church in Scotsburn in an era when a few of the original adult settlers were still living along with many who came from Sutherlandshire as children.   

Scotsburn, (better known as Roger’s Hill or Dalhousie in the mid 1800’s), had many ties to Earltown. The two communities shared common origins in the North of Scotland, the Gaelic, and the same brands of Presbyterianism.  Many Earltown families had strong blood ties to Scotsburn and intermarriage between the two was common.

Consequently there are several ties between Rev. John and Earltown.   Three of his sisters married Earltown men,  (Janet Stewart, Annie MacBain and Margaret MacKay “Achany”);  he was a second cousin to the Valley and Craig lines of Murrays; a first cousin of Margaret Sutherland “Mighty” and Adam Murray; a widespread family of Mathesons in Balfron and Tatamagouche and countless others such as the Prince Sutherlands, Gorm Murrays, Big Jim MacKay’s family and an extensive tribe of MacKenzies in nearby West Branch.

I’ll let editor Eric Wilson describe the contents:

The stories in his “Reminiscences” provide a window into this very interesting man’s personality and his time in history. He was a great and engaging preacher and writer and he had a roving and adventurous disposition. He traveled widely in Canada, the US and Scotland visiting relatives and friends and even shaking hands with both the Prime Minister of Canada (MacKenzie King I believe) and the President of the United States (Grover Cleveland). He was a mining recruiter, coal investor and an inspired preacher and converter of lost souls. He wasn’t averse to politics and was completely Zealous for the Lord! . His text (grammar, spelling, capitalization, etc. etc.) has been duplicated word for word to remain true to his writing style and nuances. The stories are personal, often comical, interesting, full of details and frequently inspiring.

Several very interesting Appendices have been written by the editors. Also, pictures have been added that help the appeal and flow of the book. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN A COPY PLEASE CONTACT EDITOR ERIC MURRAY WILSON BY EMAIL AT

The objective is to subscribe 100 interested parties; the printing cost drops down significantly at 100.  It should be very close to $20/copy. Of that amount, $5 will be donated to St. John and Bethel Cemeteries for restoration of headstones in particular need of attention. If sales go well a second printing will occur. Thank You!
Eric Murray Wilson, Scotsburn

PS: St. John’s Cemetery is the final resting place of at least two of the first settlers of Earltown as well as the ancestors of others who once lived in Earltown. This is a great way to support the cemetery while brushing up on local history. GMM